Our phone number is 843-212-7181 |
Seabrook Island Village (SIV), Neighbors Helping Neighbors, provides services through a group of trained and vetted volunteers with the goal of helping members of all ages remain independent and active in the community.
Some of the services we provide, just to name a few, are transportation to medical appointments and grocery shopping, help with basic home chores (e.g., lifting heavy boxes, changing batteries in smoke alarms, taking garbage bins to and from curbside, etc.), computer/electronic assistance, daily check-in calls and caregiver relief. For a full list of services, see Member Benefits.
Annual membership is $200/year per person. We also offer a temporary membership for $30/month for 3 months for those with short term needs. (e.g., surgeries, rehab appointments, etc.).
(Click any Event to Register)
Recent Community Event - Practical Tips for Better Movement Workshop on February 7, 2025
Experts from Roper St. Francis Hospital plus faculty and doctoral students from Charleston Southern University led a workshop to help us learn and practice safe ways to help others move.